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Sammy Hearteyes

Writer: AvAAvA

Malachi Ferguson better known as Sammy

Hearteyes, is an Indie Pop artist who hails

from New Jersey, USA. Sammy's piercing

and poetic lyrics often sung over a warm

acoustic melody, provides the listener

with a relatable and emotionally

stimulating experience.

Sammy was born in Bronx, New York to

Jamaican Immigrants. At the age of 10

years old he migrated with his family to

Newark, New Jersey. Often feeling

homesick in his new city he would listen a

variety of different music on an FM radio.

From a young age, Sammy Hearteyes had

built an emotional connection and

relationship with music. At 17 years old, he

began to write and record his own tracks;

which he would then upload to

SoundCloud. Sammy took inspiration from

Hip-hop artists Lil Peep and Lil Tracy as

well as Pop artist Adele.

Sammy Hearteyes continually sets

himself apart from a crowd full of bass

heavy beats and witty lyrics. His songs of

heartbreak, love and other sensitive

topics are refreshing to both the heart

and ears.



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